• 道内最大級の映画レビューサイト

タイ映画『One Day 1日だけの恋人』ロケ地は北海道 舞台挨拶in札幌

Thai movie「One Day」preview in Sapporo/タイ映画『One Day 1日だけの恋人』舞台挨拶in札幌


This is a story about an IT worker called Denchai who doesn’t get along with his co-workers well.He falls in love with one of his co-worker who he thought was different from others called Noui, apparently, the person is an adulterer with her boss who is already married. Then one day, they all went on a trip to Japan and at the end of the trip, Noui decided to commit suicide due to recently discovered that her boss will not get a divorce with his wife but failed and resulted in her losing her short term memory for a day. Denchai then decides to put this opportunity to good use by telling Noui that they are in love.


Review in English

The Thai movie entitled One Day brings a great impact for tourism in Hokkaido. It is somehow like a practical yet half fantasy. The woman’s condition in the movie wherein she has lost her memory for one day makes it impractical. It’s reciprocated type of love story with a very complicated context. The making of this movie is for the 130th anniversary of Thailand and Japanese industry. This isn’t released in any Japanese cinemas yet. The film was shot partly, or most of it, in Hokkaido. And I must say that it really helps the inbound tourism in the northern part of Japan. The film maker has successfully made each character memorable. But in part where in both of them had tour the whole area of Hokkaido within just one day leads me into baffle. It’s quite impossible especially in winter season. Actually, many variance in the movie is what I discovered. The cast of the movie went to Sapporo for the screening preview. That time I realized that Denchai who portrayed as an ugly looking guy in the movie was really handsome and totally opposite to his role. But all in all, this movie definitely amuses me and I’m hoping that this one will be released in Japan as soon as possible. Thank you for sparing your time guys in reading my article.


2017年3月24日に、札幌市内で開催された日タイ修好130周年記念事業、タイ映画「One Day 1日だけの恋人」札幌上映会の取材に行きました。この映画は北海道を舞台に撮影されたタイ映画であり、タイ外務省、タイ大使館、映画製作会社のGDH559、札幌市と札幌フィルムコミッションが協力してのプレビューが開催された。この作品はタイのみならず、アジア圏で大ヒットしている作品で、2017年3月初旬に大阪アジアン映画祭でも上映。しかしこの映画のリリースは残念ながら日本ではまだ決まっていない。




ONE DAY Official International Trailer/予告編




佐藤 友美
2013年にHokkaido Movie Review・新作映画の最速レビューサイトを立ち上げ『映画レビューサッポロ from HMR』として2017年10月にwebを一新。
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